Researching The Royal Canadian Regiment
The Royal Canadian Regiment
and Inter-War Years
- List of Permanent Force
Officers 1883-1935
- The RCR in Halifax
- The Carden-Lloyd Carrier, by Brigadier WJ Moogk
- Johncol, 1937
- Veterans Tales #1 - Niagara, by LCol Ted
Shuter (Ret'd)
- Veterans Tales #2 - Toronto, by LCol Ted
Shuter (Ret'd)
- Veterans Tales #3 - 1939, by LCol Ted
Shuter (Ret'd)
- Bucephalus, by Dudley D. Spencer
- Gratitude, by Dudley D. Spencer
- Visit of Canadian Guard of Honor to Washington, D.C.
- As Others See Us (1929), by Captain
R. M. Grazebrook, O.B.E., M.C. (The Gloucesters)
- Parade State, 1937
- My First Six Months in the Army, by
Pte G.R. Briggs, "C" Company, The R.C.R.
Pro Patria
Researching The RCR
Battle Honours of The RCR