The First World War
War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Transcription by Captain Michael O'Leary, The RCR.


Oct. 1-10-1918. - FIELD.

Day fine and warm. Brigade relieved in the line by 9TH Canadian Infantry Brigade passing through. Battalion moved out to QUARRY ROAD, where the Transport Lines had been established, and settled for the night in bivouacs.

2-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Day bright but cold. Battalion spent the day in improving bivouacs, and cleaning of arms.

3-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Day Bright and Cold. A short programme of training was carried out in the forenoon. Physical drill and Smartening-up drill. Drums played in the afternoon, also Beat Retreat. Enemy bombing machines very active during the night. No casualties reported in this Unit.

4-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Day dry but Cold. Similar programme of training carried out as in previous day. Battalion bathed in the afternoon.

45 O.R's from C.C.R.D.
5 O.R's proceeded on leave.

5-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Day Cold and Showers. Usual programme of training carried out. Enemy bombing back areas.

11 O.R's from C.C.R.C.
Nothing further to report.

6-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Church Parade in the morning. Drums attended.

3 O.R's from C.C.R.C.
1 O.R. from C.C.S.
Capt. H. PHILLIPS proceeded on leave to U.K.
2 O.R's proceeded on leave.

7-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Day Cold. Physical Training, Smartening-up drill, and Musketry carried out during the day.

Lieut. WURTELLE and 1 O.R. proceeded on leave to U.K.

8-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Physical Training and Bayonet Fighting. Musketry and Inspection of Box-Respirators occupied the major portion of the day.

Major G.W. McLEOD, D.S.O., Taken on Strength and assumes Command.

9-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Physical Training and Smartening-up drill. Musketry at ranges.

1 O.R. to F.P.D.S. ARRAS.

10-10-1918. - QUARRY WOOD.

Battalion paraded at 1030, and moved to another Area near QUEANT. Work was immediately started on bivvys on arrival about 0200 hours, and the Battalion was fairly comfortably sheltered by night.

11-10-1918. - QUEANT.

Day Bright. Two companies carried out a route-march, and the remainder of the Battalion carried out physical training and bayonet fighting, Musketry and a lecture by Company Commanders on Recent Fighting.

Lieut. M.F. GREGG from C.C.R.C.
Lieut. MacPHIE from C.C.R.C.
1 O.R. from leave.
7 O.R's proceeded on leave.

12-10-1918. - QUEANT.

Weather Dry and Cold. Two Companies carried out a programme of training as follows:- Physical training, Anti-Gas and Bombing by two Companies, while the other two Companies went on a route march. A lecture on Recent Fighting was delivered to the Companies by the Company Commanders. Battalion packs arrived from BERNEVILLE.

52 O.R's from C.C.R.C.
1 O.R. proceeded on leave.

13-10-1918. - QUEANT.

Weather Dry and Cold. The battalion held Devine services in the morning. Lewis gun Training on the ranges was carried out in the afternoon, under the supervision of Lieut. BONNER.

8 O.R's from C.C.R.C.

14-10-1918. - QUEANT.

Battalion carried out Physical Training, anti-gas drill, Lewis Gun, and also a Route-march by Companies.

Major-General LIPSETT, late Commander of the 3RD Canadian Division, reported killed by bullet from enemy sniper.

Lieut. C.C. DAVIES returned from leave.
3 O.R's proceeded on leave.
1 O.R. from C.C.S.

15-10-1918. - QUEANT.

Day Clear and Cold. Training. Physical training, smartening-up drill, Lewis Gun, and bombing. Musketry at ranges. 150 O.R's attended the funeral of the late Major General LIPSETT. 50 O.R's on Working Party.

Lieut. H.C. BARKER proceeded on leave.

16-10-1918. - QUEANT.

Weather Dry. The usual programme of training was carried out, which included a lecture by the Company Officers. One Company carried out a tactical scheme. Battalion marched to QUEANT, where the Brigade was inspected by the Corps Commander, who delivered a speech on the recent fighting and future prospects.

Capt. W.J. HOME, MC, and Lieut. H.R.St.C. JONES proceeded on leave to England.
1 O.R. to F.A. and 1 O.R. from C.C.S.

17-10-1918. - QUEANT.

Weather dry. Physical training and instruction in the use of the Mills Grenade which included the throwing of live bombs was carried out in the morning, under the supervision of Sgt. DOUCETTE. In the afternoon the Battalion bathed at QUEANT, and had S.B.R's tested at the Gas School there. One Company carried out Tactical Scheme.

2 O.R's from C.C.S.

18-10-1918. - QUEANT.

Weather Showers. Training as follows. Physical training, Live Bombing, Smartening-up drill, and Musketry at Ranges.

Lieut. N.F. McCORMACK and 2 O.R's from C.C.R.C.
Lieut. W.M. KING and 1 O.R. proceeded on leave.

19-10-1918. - QUEANT.

In the morning, Physical training, anti-gas drill was carried out, also Lewis Gun training on the ranges, under the supervision of Lieut. BONNER. The battalion paraded to QUEANT and attended a concert given by the DUMBELLS, the 3RD Divisional Concert Party, in the afternoon.

2 O.R's to F.A.
13 O.R's on leave.
3 O.R's proceeded to England on Cadet Course.

20-10-1918. - QUEANT.

The battalion under orders to move to billets in the town of SOMIAN. Battalion embossed at QUEANT at 1100 hours, and debussed at AUBERG HIECOURT about 1700 hours, then marched to SOMAIN, and billeted in very good billets.

21-10-1918. - SOMAIN.

The battalion paraded at 0930 and marched to CANTAIN, some of the crossroads had been blown up on the way. While passing over a bridge "B" Coys cooker went through, but was gotten out alright. No casualties reported. We arrived at CANTAIN about 1600. During the night word was received that we would move to the forward area the following day.

2 O.R's to F.A.
Lieut H.F. ORMON proceeded on leave.

22-10-1918. - CANTAIN.

Weather Showers. The Battalion paraded at 0530 to march to the forward area. Battalion H.Q. established in a house at GRAND BRAAY about 0630. Numerous cross roads had been blown up. At 0830 the Battalion H.Q. again moved forward to P.32.d.5.8. arriving there 11.40, and at 16.20 H.Q. was established at Q.31.b.8.6.

Capt. A. MacDONALD wounded.

One prisoner captured.

4 O.R's reported at Rear H.Q. which had been established FORET les RAISMES.

23-10-1918. - FIELD.

Day Fine. During the morning two prisoners were captured. At 12.30 B.H.Q. moved to approx. Q.22.d.3.2. Slight enemy shelling. B.H.Q. now established at Q.23.d.4.3. Small counter-attack on "A" Coy. front between 1500 and 1530.

20 O.R's reported from C.C.R.C.

24-10-1918. - FIELD.

Fine day. A French civilian was taken near the FRESNES (the only civilian in the place). Capt. BALDERS visited the Companies and returned about noon, and reported the situation. The Commanding Officer accompanied by the G.O.C. visited the line during the morning.

1 O.R. wounded in action.
Nothing further to report.

25-10-1918. - FIELD.

Day Cloudy and Cold. G.O.C. 3RD Canadian Division visited Battalion H.Q. in the afternoon. "C" Coy. relieved "A" Coy., and "D" Coy relieved "B" Coy. at 2000 hours. Slight enemy shelling resulted in 1 O.R. being killed and 1 O.R. wounded.

Lieut. BONNER proceeded on leave to U.K.
1 O.R. proceeded to England to attend Cadet Course.

26-10-1918. - FIELD.

Day Fine. Enemy anti-aircraft guns very active against our planes. At 1700 we moved Battalion H.Q. to Q.29.b.6.8. During the day the Commanding Officer visited the Companies.

Capt. PHILLIPS from leave and Major E.A.S. SMITH, also Capt. H.T. COCK, MC, from C.C.R.C.
1 O.R. from C.C.R.C. and 14 O.R's proceeded on leave.


Rainy day. Battalion relieved in the line by the 1ST C.M.R. and moved to AREMBERG. Relief complete and Battalion billeted in AREMBERG at 2400 hours.

3 O.R's wounded in action.
1 O.R. from C.C.R.C.

28-10-1918. - IN THE FIELD.

Fine Day. Battalion bathed in Mine buildings. Slight enemy shelling of the back areas.

The following Lieutenants reported from the C.C.R.C.:- W.J. HICKS, H. BREALEY, D.D. SHIELDS, R.J. ROBERTS, R.W. CHURCHILL, E.F. LeQUENSE, F.B. MILLETT.
Lieut. WURTELLE returned off leave, and 10 O.R's from C.C.R.C..

29-10-1918. - FIELD.

Fine day. Training included Physical training, inspection of S.B.R's by Battalion gas N.C.O. "B" Company on working party with the Canadian Engineers. Word received that the Battalion moves the following day. E.A. in the vicinity of the town, one being brought down in flames.

Hon-Capt. A.E. ANDREW also Lieut. S.W. TURNER proceeded on leave.
2 O.R's on leave to England.

30-10-1918. - FIELD.

Morning spent in preparing to move. At 14.45 battalion formed up and marched to RAISMES. Move complete at about 1700 hours.

Lieut. R.M. DOUGALL from C.C.R.C.

31-10-1918. - RAISMES.

Weather Cloudy. Companies carried out physical drill first thing in the morning, and the usual programme of training was carried out.

(signed) R.E. Balders
Commanding The Royal Canadian Regiment.