Col P.R. Bingham
Pro Patria #34, November 1977
The cover [of Pro Patria issue number 33] with the Korean Memorial looked very handsome!
I wonder how many of our Regimental Family know the story behind this Memorial, as Volume II of the Regimental History only has a photo of it. The Korean Memorial honours those of First Battalion who were killed in action, died of wounds or died on active service. Their names are inscribed in a Roll of Honour Book which is kept in the drawer in the base of the Memorial. The memorial was paid for by the Officers who served in First Battalion in Korea during its tour there 1952-1953. Thus the inscription "PRESENTED BY THE OFFICERS, 1ST BN 1952-1953 TO THE OFFICERS, 1ST BN, THE ROYAL CANADIAN REGIMENT". This Memorial is unique, in that on the crown on top is inscribed on four round discs with the symbol of the United Nations, for which special permission was asked for, was granted by the United Nations. At that time, it was the First War Memorial with this symbol: It also is inscribed with the Badges of the 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade and The 1st Commonwealth Division. The statuettes represent, a soldier in summer dress and fighting order with a Sten Gun and in winter dress, fighting order with a Bren Gun, on behalf of the Officers 1952-1953. I had the honour of presenting the Memorial to Colonel T.R. McCoy, then Commanding the 1st Battalion at a formal parade held in front of the Armouries in London, Ontario.
This briefly is the story of the Memorial, however, the credit for seeing the whole project through, from the initial design to the finished Memorial you see today, goes to my old friend and comrade-in-arms, Colonel Klink Klenavic, MBE, CD who despite the many, many problems he had to face over designs, correspondence with the Silver Smiths in the UK and finally Canadian Customs, Colonel Klink in his usual cool and calm way overcame them all and produced this handsome Memorial, which we the Officers 1st Bn 1952-1953 presented to the Officers, 1st Bn The Royal Canadian Regiment.
Too Few Honours; Rumours of Historical Parsimony in Regimental Honours and Awards
The RCR and Historic South-Western Ontario Units