The First World War
Officers of The Royal Canadian Regiment
Capt. Charles Barry
Costin, M.C.
Soldiers of the First World War database entry - C.B.
- Prior service, 8 years The R.C.R.
- DAAG, H.Q., 1911
- Adjutant, No. 3 Depot, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1911
- Adjutant, The R.C.R., 1912
- Adjutant the Royal School of Infantry, Fredericton, 1912
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 7 OCTOBER, 1915; Brigade Majors - Captain Charles B. Costin, The Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regiment), and to be seconded. Dated 1st September, 1915.
- First World War; Despatches, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
- Trensferred to the West Yorkshire Regiment, 1915
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 14 JANUARY, 1916; Awarded the Military Cross - Captain Charles Barry Costin, West Yorkshire Regiment. (New Years' Honours List: War Office, 14th January, 1916. - His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the undermentioned Honours and Rewards for distinguished service in the Field, with effect from 1st January, 1916, inclusive)
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 21 DECEMBER, 1916; The undermentioned are seconded, for service with Machine-Gun Corps: W. York. R. - Capt. C. B. Costin. 12th May, 1916.
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13 JULY, 1917; W. York. R. - The notification in the Gazette of 21st Dec. 19.16, regarding the seconding of Capt. C. B. Costin, M.C., for service with Mach. Gun Corps, is cancelled.
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24 JUNE, 1918.; W. York. R. - Capt. C. B. Costin, M.C., to be actg. Maj. whilst serving as Maj. on Hd.-Qrs. of Bn., York. R. 20th Aug. 1917.
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 16 AUGUST, 1918; MACHINE GUN CORPS (INFANTRY) - Capt. C. B. Costin, M.C. (W. York. R.), to be Capt. 27 June 1918, with seniority 15 Mar 1915.
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 6 JULY, 1918; W. York. H. - Capt. C. B. Costin, M.C., relinquishes the actg. rank of Maj., York. R. 10th Mar. 1918.
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 17 JULY, 1918; W. York. R. - The undermentioned supern. Capts. are restd. to the estabt. 18th July 1918: - C. B. Costin, M.C.
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 21 DECEMBER, 1918; MACHINE GUN CORPS (INFANTRY). The undermentioned to be actg. Majs. while comdg. Cos.:- Capt. C. B. Costin, M.C. (W. York. R.) 29 Aug. 1918.
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 25 MARCH, 1920; The undermentioned Capts. relinquish the temp, rank of Maj. on reduction of estabt.: 15 Mar. 1920. - C. B. Costin, M.C. (W. York. R.).
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 7 SEPTEMBER, 1920; MACHINE GUN CORPS (INFANTRY) - The undermentioned Capts. to be actg. Majs. while comdg. Cos.: C. B. Costin, M.C. (W. York. R.) 15 Mar. 1920.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 25 MAY, 1923 - The undermentioned appt. is made:- G.S.O., 3rd Grade. - Capt. C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C., W. York. R. 1st Apr. 1923.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 7 AUGUST, 1923 - TANK CORPS - The undermentioned Capts. to be Majs. 8th Aug 1923: C B. Costin-Nian, M.C , from W. York. R., and to retain his present appt.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 14 SEPTEMBER, 1923 - G.S.O., Brd Grade.-Maj. C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C., Tank Corps, relinquishes his appt. 24th Aug. 1923.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 17 MARCH, 1925 - ROYAL TANK CORPS - Maj. C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C., is seed, for serv. on the Staff. 4th Dec. 1924.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 17 MAY, 1927 - Maj. C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C., R. Tank Corps, relinquishes his appt. as G.S.O., 2nd Grade, Australia. 10th Apr. 1927.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 7 JUNE, 1927 - ROYAL TANK CORPS - The undermentioned Majs. are restd. to the estabt.:- C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C. 10th Apr. 1927
- Jun 1930, serving in Egypt with the Royal Tank Corps.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 10 MARCH, 1933 - ROYAL TANK CORPS - Maj. C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C., to be Lt.-Col. 1st Mar. 1933.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2 MARCH, 1937 - ROYAL TANK CORPS - Lt.-Col. C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C., on completion of four years' serv. as a Regtl. Lt.-Col. is placed on the half-pay list, 1st Mar. 1937.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 31 AUGUST, 1937 - Lt.-Col. C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C., h.p., late R. Tank Corps, retires on ret. pay. 1st Sept. 1937.
- THE LONDON GAZETTE, 23 JUNE, 1939 - Lt.-Col. C.B. Costin-Nian, M.C., Reg. Army Res. of Off., to be G.S.O. 2nd Grade (temp.) and posted to British Army, Scottish Command Headquarters, Edinburgh. 13th June 1939.
- SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 30 JULY, 1943 - The undermentioned having attained the age limit of liability to recall cease to belong to the Res. of Offrs. 31st July 1943:- Lt.-Col. C. B. Costin-Nian, M.C. (11840).
The Connecting File, Vol XII, No. 2, April 1933
Lieut.-Colonel C.B. Costin-Nian, M.C., Royal Tank Corps, was married at St Mary's Cathedral, Cairo, Egypt, on the 12th April [1933] to Miss Frances Tate, of Kentucky. The bridegroom commands the new 6th Bn., Royal Tank Corps, which was recently forms, and served with The RCR with his brother from 1906-1915, when he joined his father's old Regiment (W. York R.) in France in 1915. Having lived in an Officers' mess for 25 years, he couldn't eat another bite of mess food and got married at last!
Medal Group, as described July 2010 (on the British Medal Forum)
- Military Cross (George V)
- 1914/15 Star (erased)
- British War Medal (Major)
- Victory medal (erased)
- India General Service Medal 1908-35; bar Waziristan 1919-21 (Maj., W. York. R)
- 1935 Jubilee
- 1937 Coronation
Date of Birth - 7 Dec 1887
Date of Death - 25 Apr 1964; COSTIN-NIAN, Charles Barry, M.C.; Splash Point, Seaford Head, Sussex, A Lieutenant-Colonel in Her Majesty's Army (Retired).