The First World War
War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Transcription by Captain Michael O'Leary, The RCR.




8TH August 1918.

1.     The battalion moved from GENTELLES WOOD to QUARRY at U.19.d.8.3. and vicinity. Move complete 1.10 a.m. Brigade notified.

2.     4.15 a.m. Battalion moved by Tracks No 1 and 2., H.Q. Company leading to LUCE. Arrived at River edge early. Waited on slope on the side of stream. Enemy shelling bridges heavily with 5.9's and 4.1's.

3.     5.20 a.m. Battalion commenced crossing stream and completed at 5.30 a.m. Cross country route was then made for ROYE - AMIENS ROAD. During this time the enemy's barrage was falling fairly heavily between the Front Line and the River. Temporary Battn. Headquarters was established at junction of HEIDLEBURG TRENCH and ROYE ROAD. This latter road thick with traffic and it was owing to this congestion that Companies were somewhat delayed in getting to the assembly position. All Companies reported in Assembly Position by 6.45 a.m. Brigade notified 6.55 a.m. and Companies ordered to move Jumping off Trench, edge of HAMON WOOD at 7.00 a.m.

Lieut. H.V. BONNER wounded on way to Assembly position.

At 6.50 a.m. enemy's barrage commenced to fall heavily on HEIDLEBURG TRENCH.

4.     8.20 a.m. Battalion jumped off. Battalion Headquarters temporarily established in HAMON WOOD.

5.     9.10 a.m. Word received from both Front Line Cos. that they were clear of VALLEY and JEAN WOODS. Enemy not putting up very strong fight.

6.     10.30 a.m. Word received that LEFT Company had reached Objective. Captured three Field Guns, 6 Machine Guns and seventy prisoners. Casualties - EIGHT.

10.45 a.m. Word received that RIGHT Company had reached Objective. Captured 3 Field Guns, eight Machine Guns and ninety prisoners. This Company met with considerable opposition and some stiff fighting ensued. Casualties - TWENTY-SIX.

Captain C.G.B. THOMPSON, M.C. Commanding and Lieut. A.A. ALLANBACK, Intelligence Officer, went forward at 10.00 a.m. and made a reconnaissance of the line prior to word being received of consolidation and visited the FRENCH on our RIGHT, who were shortly afterwards connected with our flank.

At 10.00 a.m.. Lieut. J.W. MILLER (Support) noticed a party of GERMANS retiring from FRENCH Left Flank. He led his Platoon forward and cut the GERMANS off, killing them, this assisting the FRENCH. He then pushed on to MEXIERES with his Platoon and remained with the FRENCH LEFT till their advance came up into line with ours.

7.     11.50 a.m. Brigade notified of capture and consolidation of Objective.

8.     12.30 p.m. Further reconnaissance of our RIGHT made by Commanding Officer and detailed report sent to Brigade at 2.10 p.m.

In the Field


Commanding The Royal Canadian Regiment.