The First World War
War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Transcription by Captain Michael O'Leary, The RCR.

MAY 1918


The R.C.R. Operation Order No. 105

13th May 1918.

Reference map.
Sheet 36 B.


1.     (a)     The enemy is holding the LOZINGHEM SECTOR with about two Battalions.

(b)     Our troops are holding the line C.24.b.50.60 to C.24.c.75.00.


2.     The 7th Cdn. Inf. Bde. Will take part in an attack on the LOZINGHEM SECTOR,

(a)     1st Phase.

Attack and consolidate the BLUE LINE - The North Western side of the CAUCHY-a-la-TOUR-ALLOUAGNE Road.
The R.C.R. on the Right
The 42nd Cdn. Bn. on Left.

(b)     2nd Phase.

Attack and consolidate the GREEN LINE - The Western side of the BURBURE-RAIMBERT Road.
P.P.C.L.I. on the Right
49th Cdn. Bn. on Left.

(c)     "M" Brigade is attacking on our right.
"N" Brigade is attacking on left of 7th Cdn. Inf. Bde.


3.     (a)     The Battalion will assemble at:-

(b)     Boundaries of attack:-

Right Boundary; from enemy front line at C.18.d.60.00 - along the LOZINGHEM-BURBURE inclusive - C.11.d.20.70. - C.11.c.70.60. - then in a straight line to C.3.a.90.40.

Left Boundary; A straight line from C.24.d.80.70. To C.3.c.40.65.

(c)     Firing Line:-

"C" Coy. will supply one platoon as a mopping up party for the village of LOZINGHEM.

(d)     "A" and "B" will attack on a 2 platoon frontage with 1 platoon in support and 1 platon in reserve. "A" Coy will direct.

(e)     Advance will commence at 11.30 a.m.

(f)     When the final objective has been reached it will be held by the troops capturing it disposed in depth. The R.C.R. will move into Support along the Line of the Road C.10.a.8.9. - C.16.a.55.65. The 42nd Battalion will remain in Brigade Reserve along the Line of the Intermediate Objective.

(g)     Action of Artillery will be notified later.

(h)     8 Machine Guns will be attached to the Battalion. Their action will be notified later.

(i)     Pack animals will assemble under R.S.M. at C.24.b.80.90.


4.     Will fly at 1.30 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. Ground flares will be shown on call from airplane.


5.     White Very Lights:- Intermediate objective gained.
Green Very Lights:- Final objective gained.
Red Very Lights:- Artillery support required.


6.     Less Lewis Gun limbers and pack animals will remain in present location.


7.     At C.24.b.90.00.


8.     1st Phase:- At C.24.b.90.00.
2nd Phase:- Cellar C.17.d.78.95.

R.M. Millett
Adjutant The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Issued by Runner at ___

Copy No. 1 - 7th C.I.B.
No. 2 - P.P.C.L.I.
No. 3 - 42nd Cdn. Battalion.
No. 4 - 49th Cdn. Battalion.
No. 5 - "M" Brigade.
No. 6 - "N" Brigade.
No. 7 - "A" Coy.
No. 8 - "B" Coy.
No. 9 - "C" Coy.
No. 10 - "D" Coy.
No. 11 - Q.M.
No. 12 - T.O.
No. 13 - Sig. Officer.
No. 14 - Sct. Officer.
No. 15 - M.O.
No. 16 - Jr. H.Q.
No. 17 - R.S.M.
No. 18 - File.
No. 19-21 - War Diary.