Transcription by Captain Michael O'Leary, The RCR.
Copy No. __
The Royal Canadian Regiment.
12 April 1918.
1. "C" Company The R.C.R. will be relieved night of 12/13th April 1918 by once Company of the 102nd Canadian Infantry Bn. No guides will be required.
2. "D" Company the R.C.R. will be relieved night of 12/13th April 1918 by three Platoons of the 75th Canadian Infantry Bn.
Reliefs will be as follows:-
Company. | Relieved By, who will. | Move To. |
2 Platoons "D" Co. R.C.R. | 1 Platoon "C" Co. 75th Cdn. Inf. Bn. | HAYTER TRENCH |
1 Platoons "D" Co. R.C.R. | 1 Platoon "C" Co. 75th Cdn. Inf. Bn. | T.8.c.90.90 |
1 Platoons "D" Co. R.C.R. | 1 Platoon "D" Co. 75th Cdn. Inf. Bn. | T.8.c.80.35. |
3. "D" Company will supply 6 guides (2 per Platoon 78th Bn.) to rendezvous junction PEGGIE and GERTIE Trenches - time to be arranged mutually by Company Commanders.
4. Companies will NOT wait for relief. 1 Officer and 8 O.R's per Company will remain in present location until the 75th and 102nd Bns. Take over.
R.M. Millett
Adjutant The Royal Canadian Regiment.
Issued by runner at ___ p.m.
The Royal Canadian Regiment
Cos. and Dets.
The R.C.R.
Please bring to the attention of all ranks.
"Dear Colonel HILL,
"At this state of the game when the Regiment under your command has been asked to go in on a new front and take over new work, after an already long tour in the line, I wish to express to you, and through you to every Officer, N.C.O. and man in The Royal Canadian Regiment, how pleased I am at the most efficient and cheerful way in which its duties are performed. I thank you all for the splendid manner you have upheld the great reputation of the Regiment and through it of the 7th Brigade and I depend on it to the end. Again thanks.
Yours very sincerely,
(Sgd) Hugh W. DYER,
Brig. General.
7th C.I.B.
R.M. Millett
Adjutant The Royal Canadian Regiment.
The RCR in the Great War
War Diary
Battle Honours
Battle Bars and The RCR
The RCR Battle Bar Ledger (pdf)
Honours and Awards
Roll of Honour
Prisoners of War
Cemetery List
Cemetery Map
Courts Martial
RSMs of The RCR (1914-1919)
NCOs and Soldiers
An Officer's Diary (1914-1918)
Recollections of a Nonagenerian (R. England) (1916-1919)
On to Bermuda (1914-15)
England and France 1915-1916 (Hayes; 1931)
Overseas with The Royals (1915)
Regimental History Pamphlet (1917)
Amiens (1918)
Cambrai (1918)
Monchy-le-Preux (1918)
Under-aged Soldiers in The RCR
Not All Were Volunteers; The RCR and the Military Service Act
Sentenced to Death by Court Martial
The 7th Trench Mortar Battery
A Regimental Goat
Regiment and Family, Bermuda 1914-15
"March the Guilty Bastard In"
Surrendered as Stowaway
Re-Visiting the Great War Roll of Honour for The RCR
Canadian Corps Trench Standing Orders (1916)