The First World War
War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Transcription by Captain Michael O'Leary, The RCR.




For the Operations against and on PASSCHENDAELE RIDGE, on Oct. 30th, and 31st, 1917.

From Field Marshal H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught.

"Heartiest congratulations great success Canadian Corps, PASSCHENDAELE RIDGE. Hope losses have not been to [sic] heavy."

From Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, Commander-in-Chief to G.O.C. 2ND Army.

The successes gained by your troops yesterday under such conditions are deserving of the highest praise. While all the troops did well and contributed materially to the results achieved the performance of the 3RD Canadian Division in particular was remarkable [sic] fine. The ground gained is of high importance and I congratulate and all under you on the results of the great efforts made.

General CURRIE, Canadian Corps.

Please accept and convey to the 3RD and 4TH Divisions and all troops concerned to day my hearty congratulations in success achived.

General PLUIMER.

From Sir George Ferley.

"Please accept for yourself, your Officers and men my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the magnificent courage and resources of the Canadian Corps, and the splendid results attained."

From the Prime Minister of Ontario; Toronto, Ontario.

"All Canada rejoices over fresh laurels won by Canadians in capture of BELLEVUE SPUR and is grateful beyond words for their noble efforts in common cause."

From General CURRIE to Major General LIPSETT.

Dear Lipsett.-

I am attaching herewith a copy of a telegram received from General PLUMER. I wish to add my personal congratulations to you and all those concerned. I know how gallantly your fellows have fought, and I look forward with every confidence to their ability and determination to hold on to what they have already gained.

Ever yours faithfully.
(Sgd.) A.W. CURRIE.

From Major General LIPSETT to General DYER, Commanding 7TH Canadian Infantry Brigade.

My Dear Dyer.-

"I have not been able to see your Battalion Commanders to express to them my appreciation of what they and their battalions have done. I congratulate you and your Brigade mort heartily. The battalions have done magnificently.

"The P.P.C.L.I. have many fine actions to their credit during the war, but I am sure none could have been finer than their advance of the 30th.

"The 49TH Battalion have very reason to be proud of what they did.

"The R.C.R. have not had an opportunity of carrying out an operation as a Battalion, but I hear that the arduous duties they have had to do have been carried out with great courage and loyalty.

The 42ND Battalion are to have their return the next two nights, I am sure they will keep up the reputation of the Brigade.

I hope I may be allowed an opportunity of thanking the Officers N.C.O's and men when they come out of the line.

From O.C. P.P.C.L.I. to O.C. The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Major Willets.
The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Dear Major Willets.-

I should like to take this opportunity of thanking you and your gallant regiment for their most extraordinarily efficient work you did for us, during your short time in the Line. Your stretcher bearing parties were untiring in their effort to get out our wounded, and one many occasions when I suggested to them that they were tired and need not come back on another trip, they on every occasion asked to be allowed to do so, until they were assured that all my dear fellows were cleared.

I am well aware both of the danger and of the fatigue that such a carry entailed, and if you would allow me I should esteem it a favour if all ranks of your Battalion will accept, on behalf of the P.P.C.L.I. our sincere thanks for the wonderful work performed by your Battalion.

It is instances of this kind that bind Regiments together and create an affection of the highest ideals of comrade soldiering for one common cause.

Believe me,
Yours very sincerely,
(Sgd) Agar Adamson, Lt-Col.
Cmd P.P.C.L.I.

P.S. I have not mentioned the good work done by the Company and two Platoons, for I feel sure they will always consider themselves with us in the assault.

From O.C. 42ND Battalion to O.C. The Royal Canadian Regiment.

My Dear Dick,-

I would like personally to express my very keen appreciation of the splendid manner in which your people assisted us in every possible manner.

With kindest regards,
Believe me, Yours very sincerely,
(Sgd) S.C. Noseworthy, Major,
Commanding 42ND Battalion.

From O.C. 49TH Battalion to O.C. The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Dear Major Willets.-

Allow me to express on behalf of all ranks our sincere appreciation of the good work done by the men of your Battalion attached to my Unit during the recent operations.

I would particularly commend that work of Captain Thompson and his Company for their valuable co-operation.

Sincerely yours
(Sgd) R.H. Palmer, Lt-Col.
Commanding The 49TH Cdn. Battalion.