The First World War
War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Transcription by Captain Michael O'Leary, The RCR.


Copy No. 13

6TH September, 1916

R.C.R. Order No. 30.

1. The Royal Canadian Regiment will march from Billets in CASSEL AREA to ESQUELBECQ, 7TH September, 1916.

2. Bn. will parade at 4. a.m. Markers 3.40 a.m. on H.Q. parade ground. Dress, full marching order, Canteen without cover will be slung on straps under pack. Iron ration to be carried in Haversack. Rubber sheet and steel helmet under straps on back of pack. Nothing except canteen will be hung on either pack or haversack. Knickers will not on any account be worn.

3. Route. Bn. will march via RYVELD, WORMHOUDT, ESQUELBECQ to ESQUELBECQ Station. Order of march H.Q., "A", "B", "C" & "D" Co's.

4. "A" Co. will detail 1 Officer and 8 O.R. and "B", "C" & "D" Co's will detail 9 O.R. to act as picquet en route. Picquet will be paraded on Bn. parade ground as a unit. "B", "C" & "D" Co. detachments will report to "A" Co. Officer before parade. On arrival at en-training station, picquet will report the en-training Officer. It will be on duty during the whole period of journey. Picquet will be posted at the en-training station to prevent men wandering from station on leaving the train. Immediately the train stops at intermediate stopping place, part of picquet will be posted at each end of train and elsewhere if necessary to prevent men from leaving train except for purpose of nature, and to be sure that men leaving for this purpose rejoin at once. On arrival at detraining station picquet will be posted to prevent men from leaving the precincts of the station.

5. Lieut. C.G.B. Thompson is detailed as Billeting Officer and will report to Staff Captain "A" & "Q" 7TH Cdn. Inf. Bde. On arrival of battalion at ESQUELBECQ Station. He will be supplied with a horse, and will take batman.

6. All billets will be left in a scrupulously clean condition.

7. Transport. Officers kits will be piled in a convenient place near the road by 5.30 p.m. today when Transport will call for them. Transport will move off at 6.30 p.m.

8. Rations will be carried on man for 7TH & 8TH instant.

Issued at 1.00 p.m.

E.C. Snider
Adjutant The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Copy. No. 1 - 7TH Cdn. Inf. Bde.
Copy. No. 2 - "A" Co.
Copy. No. 3 - "B" Co.
Copy. No. 4 - "C" Co.
Copy. No. 5 - "D" Co.
Copy. No. 6 - Lewis Guns.
Copy. No. 7 - Bombers.
Copy. No. 8 - Scouts.
Copy. No. 9 - Signals.
Copy. No. 10 - Quartermaster
Copy. No. 11 - Transport.
Copy. No. 12 - Medical Officer
Copy. No. 13, 14 & 15 - War Diary.