181.     The sick and prisoners of a corps will be seen at the different inspection rooms and hospital as under:-

Corps.Inspection Rooms.
R.C.G.A.; R.C.E.; C.P.A.S.C. and all detachments quartered at R.A. Park, South Barracks, and Citadel.Infants' School, Pavilion Bks.
Infantry battalion and detachments quartered at Wellington Barracks.Wellington Barracks.
Staff; P.A.M.C.; C.O.C., and C.A.P.C.Station Hospital.

182.     Women and children of corps, staff and departments reported sick, will, if able, attend at their respective inspection rooms at 9 a.m.

183.     Medical officers in charge of corps and departments will see the morning sick in time to allow those requiring admission to hospital, to arrive there by 10 a.m.


184.     The morning state of sick will reach the headquarter office by 12 noon.

185.     A N.C.O. from each corps will attend at the hospital Discharges. at 4.45 p.m. daily, to march off the men who have been discharged.

186.     Twenty-four hours notice will be given to the C.O.s of the intended discharge of prisoners from hospital.

187.     Regimental and other officers will not visit the hospital before 12 noon. Friends and comrades of patients, having permission, may visit them on Sundays and Wednesdays between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m.

188.     When soldiers suspected of mental derangement are sent to hospital for observation, a detailed statement will accompany the sick report, giving all available information regarding the case.

189.     Medicines for officers, women and children will be dispensed daily at the station hospital, between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m., except on Saturdays and Sundays, when they will be dispensed from 1 to 2 p.m. Those marked "urgent" will be dispensed at any hour. Children under the age of 14 years must not be sent for medicine.

    A written order from a medical officer must be sent for all medicines or to have prescriptions repeated. Bottles are not supplied.

190.     At 10 p.m. the piquet on the hospital gate dismounts and the wicket gate is locked. After that hour admission to the hospital can be obtained by ringing the nightbell.


190.     The duties of the medical officer of the week commence on Sunday at 8 a.m.

192.     During his tour of duty he will be available for all sick calls and other duties in the fortress after 1 p.m., until relieved by the medical officers in charge of corps at 8 a.m. the following day.

193.     He will inspect the Main and Gun Wharf guards, when furnished by the troops, as to their sanitary condition

194.     He will invariably be present at the arrival and departure of invalids.

195.     He will not leave the fortress during his tour of dutY, and, when absent from his quarters, will leave definite instructions where he is to be found, which should also be communicated to the ward-master on duty at the station hospital.

    If, in case of urgency, he cannot be found, the medical officer next on duty, or failing him, any medical officer, may be summoned.

196.     Should the medical officer of the week be required, the station hospital will be notified, name and address being given.

    The medical officer of the week will be medical officer in charge of Melville Island, during his tour of duty.

197.     Medical officers in charge of corps will attend to the casual sick, accidents and other duties appertaining to their corps from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. Should they be prevented from carrying out their duties, the medical officer for the week will be summoned.

198.     When a medical officer in attendance on a sick officer considers it desirable that the latter should take outdoor exercise, he will forward a written recommendation to the officer commanding the corps, stating the hours between which exercise may be taken.

199.     Officers commanding corps will arrange with the medical officers concerned that the regulation number of trained stretcher bearers are kept up and that their efficiency is maintained; also that all under their command have been instructed in the use of the first field dressing.

200.     When officers or soldiers employ a civilian medical practitioner for themselves or their families, they will at once report the circumstances (forwarding a certificate as to the nature of the illness) to the officer commanding their corps and to the medical officer in charge. A further report will be furnished on the date of recovery or death.