119. The following is the organization of Engineer Duties in the Fortress of Halifax:

Division. Location. Duties.
C.R.C.E. Lumber yard. General administration of R.C.E. duties.
D.O. 1 Glacis Barracks. Construction and repairs in pavilion and Glacis barracks and offices, Station Hospital, Gymnasium, Barrack Stores. Church Field Md. qrs., Gun Wharf, King's Wharf, District Pay Office, Bedford Row, A.S.C. Office, Citadel R.A. Park, South Bks. Cambridge Lib., Bellevue House, Hd. Qr. Office Military Cemetary, Military Prison, Melville Island and Armouries.
D.O. 2. Wellingtion Barracks. Construction and repairs in Wellington Bks. and magazine, North Ordnance Wharf.
D.O. 3 Lumber yard. Construction and repairs to Harbour Forts, Lumber Yard, Rifle Range, Camperdown, Pennant Point and Camps on McNab's Island.
D.O.D.L. Lumber yard.

In charge of Defence Electric Lights. In charge of Military telephones (Command and administrative lines) and signalling of all vessels entering or leaving the port of Halifax.

120.     O.C. Units, and Heads of Departments, when requiring execution of very minor Engineer services, will requisition the D.O., R.C.E. concerned on Militia Form C 520 adding in the same a short explanation of what is required, and for what reason. It is not necessary to enter into separate correspondence. Militia Form C 520 will be obtained from the Stationery Department.


1. - General.

121.     The quartermaster of the unit furnishing a guard, will visit the guard rooms weekly. He is responsible that the guard room is thoroughly cleaned by the fatigue parties detailed regimentally for that purpose. He will forward every Monday by 9 a.m. to the D.A.A.G. a report on the form given in Appendices II & III.

2. - Pavilion and Church Field Barracks.

122.     The quartermaster R.C.G.A. is responsible for the sanitary details in connection with the Pavilion and Church Field Barracks. He will forward every Monday by 9 a.m. to the D.A.A.G. a report in the form given in Appendix II.

123.     A party of 1 N.C.O. and 12 men will be detailed monthly by the R.C.G.A. and infantry battalion alternately for sanitary fatigues. The N.C.O. in charge will report on Saturdays at 9 a.m. to the quartermaster-sergeant, R.C.G.A. at Pavilion Barracks for instructions.

124.     Refuse will not be swept from verandahs on to the ground below. The space in front of each married quarter will be kept clean by the occupants.

125.     Married N.C.O:s and men will not bring their relatives and friends to live with them in their quarters, without permission.

126.     Clothing will not be hung on verandahs to dry. Straw beds are not to be emptied in barracks.

127.     All clothes lines in the married soldiers' drying ground will be taken down, the props collected and put together in a place for that purpose, at retreat daily.

128.     A man will be detailed from the R.C.G.A. to look after the wash-house. He will be responsible for the cleanliness of the place and for the care of the fires, boilers and appliances.

    The payment of the caretaker and the expenses in connection with the wash-house will be defrayed jointly by R.C.G.A., R.C.E. and infantry battalion's canteens, under the superĀ­vision of the quartermaster, R.C.G.A., to whom nominal rolls of the women using the wash-house will be sent at the end of each month.


129.     Paragraphs 132-135, 138, 140, will be read to the men of each detachment on arrival in camp.

130.     Officer will not leave the Island without permission of the officer commanding their Unit.

131.     The medical officer in charge of the camp will not leave the Island while musketry is in progress. The orderly, P.A.M.C. will always be present when the medical officer is away.

132.     Passes to leave the Island will be granted to the rank and file at the discretion of the O. C. Units which the detachment on the island belong.

133.     The Officer Commanding detachments will use their discretion in allowing civilians to enter their camp. Civilians will not be allowed the use of the canteen.

134.     No boats will be allowed to land south of the targets.

135.     Hawkers will not be allowed to enter camp without a Hawkers' pass signed by the D.A.A.G.

136.     Reports regarding rations will be made by the officer commanding detachments through the O.C. their units to the O. C., C.P.A.S.C.

137.     On opening of the camp the O.C., C.P.A.S.C. will issue, on inventory, two row boats complete to the officer commanding the infantry battalion. One will be moored at the garrison pier for general purposes, the other at the range pier, as guard boat to men bathing.

138.     Bathing will not be compulsory. Hours and place for voluntary bathing will be fixed by the officer commanding the camp.

139.     Officers commanding detachments will send orderlies to Fort McNab telephone daily, at 10 a.m., 12 noon, and 4 p.m., to receive messages.

140.     Trees and shrubs will not be cut down.


141.     Applications for the use of the rifle range, together with the description and number of targets required, will be made to the D.A.A.G., 48 hours notice being given.

142.     Officers commanding corps will furnish the following yearly returns to the D.A.A.G.:

(1)     A scheme for the annual training of their units, showing approximately the number of men to be excersiced, the length of time required, and most suitable date for the commencement of the course by March 15th.

(2)     A report of M.F.B. 142 of the musketry training of their units by December 31st.

143.     Officers commanding units will furnish the following weekly reports through the course:

(1)     Programme for ensuing week, for training and musketry - Saturdays, 12 noon.

(2)     Progress return for the past week, showing the practices carried out, casualties, and deviations from the prescribed course - Tuesday's, 10 a.m. The C.R.C. G.A. will notify the D.A.A.G. at least 24 hours beforehand of the nature and hour of any gun practice he proposes to carry out.

144.     The completion of classified and field practices will cour8e notified. be notified to the D.A.A.G.

145.     In the event of both military and naval ranges being available for private practice, the larger units will use the military range, leaving the naval range at the disposal of teams, &c.

146.     Firing will take place on either ranges only when the red flag is flying on Green Hill (east of the targets), where a look-out man will be posted under direction of the senior officer.

147.     The following instructions will be hung up in the butts on a board:

(i)     The dangerous zone behind the butts is marked by buoys carrying red and white sign posts, those on the extreme east and west of the line bounding the danĀ­gerous area being identified by means of posts placed near the flag-staff.

(ii)     In the event of danger, the red flag will be at once hauled down and the "cease fire" sounded. The flag will be hoisted when "all clear" and the commence "fire" are sounded.

(iii)     Should the look-out man observe one of the buoys go adrift, he will report it.

The officer commanding detachments will notify the D.O. 3 by telephone if any of the buoys become detached.


148.     Arms and pouches or bandoliers will be inspected by an officer before the issue of ball or blank ammunition, and also before leaving the range or on conclusion of field operations.