The Canadian Army Reading List - Version 1, September 2001
Introduction - Doctrine - Military Theory - Canadian Military Heritage - Military History - Campaign and Battle Studies - Leadership - The Human Factor - Technology - Future Warfare - Peacekeeping - Politics, International Relations and Economics - Ethics, Domestic Issues and Social Trends - Fiction

Peacekeeping and Peace Support Operations

Bercuson, David. Significant Incident: Canada’s Army, the Airborne and the Murder in Somalia. Toront McClelland and Stewart, Inc., 1996. ISBN 0-7710-1113-X.

An examination of the problems of modern peacekeeping in the context of social and legal changes based on the experience of two battlegroups in very different areas and two very different outcomes.

Burns, E.L.M. Between Arab and Israeli. Toronto Clarke, Irwin, 1962.

A Canadian general officer’s account of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization and the Palestinian question. Burns served as commander of the United Nations Emergency Force I and has unique insights into this period.

Coulon, Jocelyn. Soldiers of diplomacy: The United Nations, Peacekeeping and the New World Order. Toronto/Buffalo/London: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

An overview of nine recent UN operations and the problems arising from the range of operations from traditional peacekeeping to the more aggressive use of force.

Hillen, John. Blue Helmets: The Strategy of UN Military Operations. Washington/London: Brassey’s, 1998.

Is sustainable peace possible? The author argues that diplomacy alone cannot achieve this and that an effect and robust international system, not based solely on the UN, is required to achieve this goal.

Peck, Connie. Sustainable Peace: The Role of the U.N. and Regional Organizations in Preventing Conflict. Lanham, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc, 1998. ISBN 0-8476-8560-8 (cloth).

A compelling overview of the United Nations and its role in conflict.