Topic: Canadian Militia
An Inconvenience Lately Arisen
Montreal, 3rd February, 1865
An inconvenience has lately arisen from soldiers of the Militia Force now called out for service in the Province, having been found at considerable distance from their station, without proper passes signed by their Commanding Officers, and as expense has likewise been incurred by their apprehension as Deserters by some of the look-out parties on out-post duty for the purpose of preventing Desertion, the Lieutenant-General Commanding, although believing that the absence of these men from their Corps or Detachment, without proper passes, doubtless arose from ignorance of the custom and usage of the Army, desires to caution in the most public manner he can, not only them, but the Militia Force generally, who are now called out for duty, as well as to warn their friends throughout the Province, who might from ignorance of the serious nature of the crime of absence without leave on the part of soldiers prevail upon them from mistaken friendship or kindness to absent themselves, and of the danger these men thereby run of being apprehended and tried by Court Martial for Desertion : The Lieutenant-General has been informed that some of these men who have been taken up, were not dressed in their proper uniform, therefore if the men who absent themselves from their Corps without leave and who are taken up thus improperly dressed, were they tried by Court Martial for desertion, there is little doubt they would be convicted.
The Lieutenant-General Commanding in issuing this General Order, in not only most anxious that the men should be cautioned against absenting themselves in an irregular manner from their Regiment or Detachment, but that likewise if they do so, they should at the same time not be ignorant of the risk of the penalty they incur.
By Command of His Excellency the Right Honorable the Governor General and Commander-in-Chief.
A. Salaberry, Lt.-Colonel,
Deputy-Adjutant Genl. Of Militia,
Lower Canada.
Walker Powell, Lt.-Colonel,
Deputy-Adjutant Genl. Of Militia,
Upper Canada.