Topic: The RCR
From the December, 1981, edition of Pro Patria; The Connecting File,
the regimental journal of The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Regimental Cypher of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Major Isaac Allen Kennedy, then commanding 3 Airborne Commando; Exercise Rendezvous '81 ("RV 81"); CEF Gagetown.

Crest of the Canadian Airborne Regiment.
By: Captain W.A. Leavey, The RCR, published in the CFB Gagetown "Junior Officers' Journal," April 1976
St Stephen two score years ago,
Produced a small, wee mite,
With heart and soul of khaki brown,
And drive like dynamite.
A gunner once, he rose to be,
Lance Sergeant on the line,
Prior to that he trained recruits,
As drill instructor swine.
A voice that seems to resonate,
From chamois soft to loud,
A countenance of rugged lines,
Angular and proud.
His bachelorhood he guards with ire,
He stays alone and free,
Tameless in his chosen life,
Of eccentricity.
Extending out beyond his cap,
Flowing past his ears,
Swaths of slightly greying hair,
The only sign of years.
Physically he's granite hard,
Sculptured, firm and taut,
Showing men of half his age,
How the battle's fought.
Articulate from reading books,
From learning on his own,
College boys are loathe to face,
Isaac, all alone.
There's no one tells a story like,
Isaac at his best,
No one's social life compares,
To Isaac's, without jest.
He's been an OC many times,
He's trained a lot of men,
Every time, his troops are prime,
Employment changes then.
He's different, yet he thinks the same,
Although it seems to me,
I've never met one since or yet,
Like this Kennedy.